Sale Information

  • Registration is only $10. This will get your ad on the list and covers costs directly related to the sales (advertising, printing, website, etc).
  • Your sale must be within Brandon city limits.
  • You choose the hours you would like to be open.  You may be open any or all days.  Please follow your advertised times.
  • The Brandon Citywide Rummages event is advertised in the local newspaper, on local radio stations, and local community event websites.
  • Your individual rummage listing will be included on this website. The website list of sales is posted as soon as the list is finalized (usually the Monday before the sales.)
  • The Brandon Citywide Rummages are for rummage sale listings only. This is not the place for a business ad, primarily selling your business products or new items, or classified ads (only a couple items). Please do not submit a listing if you are not having an actual rummage sale.

Spring Sales Only:

  • The Brandon Citywide Spring Rummages are held each year on Mother’s Day weekend.
  • Advertised dates will be Thursday through Saturday.  No openings before Thursday.

Fall Sales Only:

  • The Brandon Citywide Fall Rummages are held each year on the 4th weekend of August.
  • Sales are open Friday and Saturday only. No Thursday sales.